Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Finals Eve

It's a warm Spring night in Georgia, one of the first this year. A luna moth has been tapping against the window of my study-cave, and I'm tempted to turn out the lights to steer her away and back toward her true purpose of mate-finding.

And here I am, jumping right into the fray of Blog-Landia here.....hoping to post here more regularly, sharing what's happening as I travel down the path of life. Life as an organic mom, graduate student, about-to-be empty nester....perched on the edge of the nest myself. No tapping against the glass mindlessly here, writing is good for the soul on a great many levels, and if someone benefits from what I share, so much the better!

Finished a reflection on my experience a little earlier this eve......teaching--rather, *doing* Science with second graders, all in all it was wonderful, 19 amazing students and two amazing teachers. I've learned so much! Maybe I'll post it here, but for now it's time to get back to studying for the Hort exam tomorrow....the secret life of citrus, blueberries and pecans. Did you know that there are over 1000 varieties of pecans? And 80% of the global crop is grown in the US, although China is jumping on the bandwagon in recent years.

About the coolest thing happening here at the Casa is the bald-faced hornets that are busy building a nest against my bedroom window. I'll post photos here...it is day 9 and things are definitely buzzing. Queen is laying more eggs today, there are a good dozen larvae in various stages. We're able to see them stretching and squirming in their pupal sacs, creepy and cool at the same time, very Alien-esque! Last I counted there were six workers hatched out. For now we are living in harmony, not sure how long or whether they'll be here for the duration. We will jump off that bridge when we get to it, I'm sure.

Oldest son just arrived from college, with his two dogs and full load in his pickup truck. Spartan soccer victory for the youngest earlier tonight too-he played a great game, scrappy D! He even called to thank OMom for the cowbell mojo ;-) And the middle son is in a great place somwhere in the middle. In the midst of the entropy, all is calm, all is well. Life is great!